Stabbing at Pennsylvania High School injures about 20 kids.

Here we are again looking for answers. What can we do, guards at schools, metal detectors, creating new positions, and so on. We can probably just teach respect and humility...

Shooting again at Ft Hood

Shooting again at Ft Hood What lessons have we learned from the first shooting? Are we holding people responsible? Mental problem is a real issue. We have hired more workers...

Take care of your health.

  Overweight: weight between 10 and 20 % above the desirable weight for height or a BMI of 25.0 through 29.9 Obesity: weight 20% or more above the desirable weight...

What Happen to the Missing Jet?

The world is searching and no answers after 6 days. All we can do for the families is to PRAY. We are so fast labeling and criticizing others and the...

Healthy People 2020

Health Promotion: Helping people achieve  their maximum potential for good health 1.Getting people to eat healthful diets 2.Be physically active 3.Get regular rest 4.Develop leisure-time hobbies for relaxation 5.Strengthen social...

How to Prevent Pneumococcal Pneumonia

•Getting the pneumococcal vaccine is the main way you can reduce your chances of getting pneumococcal pneumonia. Vaccines are available for children and adults. •The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

A little girl in Missouri Kidnapped in plain daylight and killed.

It is so sad to cut a life so short. There should be zero tolerance when punishing people who kill children. It is so dangerous to let children walk to...

Your Health – Understanding Lupus

Lupus is a complex disease that is difficult to diagnose. Multiple symptoms are associated with lupus. One in 250 African American women suffer from lupus. Lupus strikes 10 times as...

Jordan Davis Murder and The Legacy of Martin Luther King!

We have celebrated so many times how this country has come along when it comes to tolerance and justice. Another young child killed because something that makes kids happy is...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

At the close of another year, the BNJ Foundation  gratefully pauses to wish you all a warm and happy holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. We are...