Kid’s Speak Aloud Program


Dear students and parents,

The BNJ Foundation will be hosting a Kids Speak Aloud program at the Centreville Library on Saturday, September 24th, 2011.  Students participating in the program will have the chance to showcase their work and or presentation to their peers, as well as share stories with the group. The event will be held from 1-3 p.m. at the Centreville Library and will include time for a panel discussion and roundtable conversations that give the students and parents the chance to connect with each other.  Students interested in participating should email

Presenters: Grade 1-6

Moderator: Grade 7-8; only 2 moderators per sessions

Facilitator: High school students and parents can volunteer; only one facilitator per session.

For more information, please visit our website at

Please forward this email to friends and families that would like to take advantage of this enrichment program.

Schools and their training offer better ways to do things, but only through experience are we able to capitalize on this learning.”  William G. Bainbridge (1975-1979)