We have celebrated so many times how this country has come along when it comes to tolerance and justice. Another young child killed because something that makes kids happy is making others angry. What can be so wrong about a teenager listening to music? Can we truly say that we are not as tolerant today than years ago? Kids are afraid to go play outside because they might anger another neighbor.
The really disturbing fact is not the citizen or the jury, but the law makers. When we craft a law such as “stand your ground”, the law should have limitations. We probably need to have a law about “Happy kids are allowed to be happy and people that do not like loud noises should find peaceful and quite places instead of confusing candy for guns and shooting”. Let the children be children, let’s celebrate happy kids and help the unhappy become happy.
There is nothing more beautiful than to see children just dancing around, joking around, screaming, and just playing. Children usually will stop if you ask them to stop. It might take sometimes 2 or 3 times of asking before they stop. If we want the children to learn patience we need to show patience.
I have to say there are so many good people Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and all other races. There will always be people that do not like each other. One angry white or black person can and should not make us generalize our view on one entire race.
How is it so difficult for such laws to change? I think the law is and can be helpful in cases where someone legitimately is defending themselves. Common sense should prevail in such law.
Public places should be for everyone and if someone in a public place does not like what the other is doing, there are police officers that can handle that problem.
Whoever thinks it is ok to be angry about loud music and confusing something on their hand as a gun truly needs to get help, unless they are defense lawyers.
Pray for these kids, families (whatever color they are) that got their life cut so short. All children should get a chance to be happy, a chance to enjoy their life, and a chance to share their talent with societies and grow old. There should be zero tolerance for those that harm children and I think the world would be a much better world for all of us requiring peace.
Instead of asking 12 citizens to make such difficult decisions, let’s change the law and make it clearer for all to get an answer to every single case.