Anger, Anger, Anger, Pain, Pain, Terror, Sadness, Why, Who, Where is my child? No answer could ever explain what happened today. It is just not human; no possible human could ever commit such a horrific act. Where are the results of what we have been doing?
We send our deepest condolences to all who have been impacted. These children and adults are not dead in vain. Please explain to your children that their friends are Angels and will change the World for the better. How could anyone continue to live after they lose a little child so full of life?
People that are in position to change the law and lives, please make it right so these families are not dead in vain. No person in this life can explain how an adult can look at babies’ faces and shoot them. Let’s all make a statement with these deaths and secure our children lives. Let’s stop whether it is mentally sick people or just angry people or just some other reasons to kill.
Why are we fighting about things that make sense such as having metal detector at school or police officer, security guard at school? I do believe that it is easy to explain a metal detector than to explain the tragedy of today to the children or to the parents that probably will not have a normal life after today.
How could you continue living as a parent or any family member of the children and adults killed?
Can we continue to ask questions as to what is going on or can we try to answer the questions that we already know. So many lives lost, I am so far away just getting information thru the news. I feel numbed, distraught, angry, and I am asking myself: “Why can’t we have at least one metal detector at the entrance of each school, especially elementary schools, where children can only watch when someone is shooting them? Let’s just don’t talk about this and wait for another shooting to happen. It is not important if the person was mentally ill or just was shooting out of hatred. What I think is important is to get the guns out of people hands and put it in the hands of law enforcement and professionally trained security guards. I am pretty sure parents would pay to get devices or hired security guards, especially in elementary school. In places where there are adults, they can at least defend themselves. Our teachers and staffs should be trained to handle these situations but they are as anyone defenseless in front of someone with multiple guns. How could you defend yourself in front of someone shooting a high caliber weapon? It is not about training, it is about not bringing a loaded gun in school or having capable deterrents.
So many reasons why a person can do this, we will not try to figure out why, but we will go over a couple of problems that we have presently.
Acute and chronic mentally ill people, people on recreational drug, just distress because of losing their jobs, just finding out about a terminal disease, or for whatever reason, people carrying gun for fun, people drinking uncontrollably, bullying everywhere we turn our head at schools, place of work, TV’s, people are making money and celebrating anger, bullying, fighting on live television. Is there anyone that can control this, we are in a vicious circle where one get bullied, upset and respond negatively to another person, parents get stressed at their workplace and carry that stress at home to their children, neighbor. Again, how can we explain someone shooting little babies? Today is the killing and we are all mourning and tomorrow we will be discussing whether we could keep guns in the hand of mentally disturbed or not. Let’s look at this for a minute:
Mentally disturbed —–gun in the hand——suicidal——go out and kill
Mentally disturbed —–no gun in the hand——suicidal——go out and cannot kill
Some Marihuana or drink excessively alcohol and is carrying a gun————Kill
Metal detector in school———–someone carrying a gun can’t enter the school———-no one dead
Metal detector in school———–children scared because of the metal detector———-Is it worth 26 people dying?
Do you have children? If so, take a look at the 17 little faces and secure these schools whether armed police officers or metal detectors, each school with the name and picture of these children and adults dead in this mass murder.
Can we stop bullying each other?
What do we turn to in these moments? Faith, it is ok not to believe or to believe, why are we teaching everything possible but religion, we can learn so much good from religion, whether it is Muslim Christianity, or other religions. If not religion, teach basic morality. Simple basics rules such as to be nice, be respectful and do not kill can be learned from those efforts. We can’t train adults to love or respect or to not bully, but we can teach little kids to love and when they are older, they will have learned that you shouldn’t kill or that you can accept criticism. That it is ok to say I am sorry, it is ok to admit that I made a mistake. Begin to love at home, you can’t mistreat people close to you and love other people.
There are so many discussions over what is right and what not is right, how do we know what is right or what is wrong? Is it something we learned from early on or at school or during college? If we have not figure out what is right or what is wrong early on and not gone to college where and when do we learn it? It seems so normal for those of us coached from early on how life makes sense and how easy it is to distinguish between right and wrong, but if we understand and accept that it is not the same for all we can make sure we live an exemplary life in order to teach those that don’t have coaches like we did. The leaders should be able to be examples and role-models to those who are not coached because our children, general public are learning and copying what we are doing. Leaders can’t lie, insult themselves, and then meet a couple days later and celebrate. Our children can’t celebrate after they have been abused.
We will never been able to explain what this monstrous act was, but we can begin to make the right decision as mentors, leaders, parents, teachers, coworkers, we have to begin to show respect, love, empathy and help those that need help.
We will never bring these children and adults back, we can only pray, pray and pray for these families; celebrate their lives by bringing some of the simple principles back in our lives, pray for lawmakers to know what is right and what is wrong. Let’s never forget this day and each day do something good in the name of each of these children.
Can we all stop this killing, and stop just talking about it, let’s make all these children heroes so we can never forget about them. I believe they are “little angels” and are about to change the culture and many lives in the USA and around the World. Please remember every single time you do something wrong that these children are looking down on you. Let’s call these children and adults that we lost today
May God comfort and strengthen all families, and friends who have been deeply affected by these events.