Simple Tips to Overcome the Heat this Summer

The most important measures to overcome extreme heat are to stay indoors and hydrated if outdoors, then you lose a lot of fluid when you are outside in extreme temperature.

Drink plenty of fluid especially cool water, or a cool beverage, and avoid alcohol beverages

If possible, avoid outdoor exposure when the temperature is too high.

Wear hats and light-colored, lightweight, loose clothes.

Make sure children, and the elderly have enough water to drink and assist them as necessary.

Children, elderly and other age groups with chronic diseases are more susceptible to heat stroke and should be taken care of during excessive heat.

Do not leave children unattended in locked cars!

Sit or lie down in a cool place when you begin to feel symptoms.

Slowly drink water, clear juice, or a sports beverage.

Some symptoms of heat stress include:

  • Sweating, High body temperature, Confusion/dizziness, Extreme weakness or fatigue
  • Confusion, nausea, muscle cramps
  • Slightly elevated body temperature
  • Fast and shallow breathing, Light-headedness
  • Dizziness, Fainting, Muscle pain or spasms usually in the abdomen, arms, or legs.
  • Heat rash looking likes a red cluster of pimples or small blisters.

If you think someone is having a heat stroke take the following steps to treat the person:

  • Call 911!
  • Move the person to a cool shaded area.
  • Cool the person using methods such as:
    • Soaking their clothes with water.
    • Spraying, sponging, or showering them with water.
    • Fanning their body.